Trust the experts to 

set up your PMS

Let us assemble the documentation and tasks for the yacht's planned maintenance system 

 So that engineers can be engineers during the  build phase and learn the boat

Over a hundred PMS systems under our belts

It is more economical and more effective to leave the PMS Setup to us folks who have the time, the tools and the experience

Why the build team is not the best choice to set up PMS
  • they join too late to do a good job
  • they only ever did it once before - long ago!
  • they would rather be onboard than at a PC
  • there is more to PMS than just technical...
What we do
  • build the equipment list using best practice we have gathered over the years
  • name and link the manual
  • set up the PMS tasks alongside your crew
  • import the spares, inventory, files & photos in a few clicks
How we achieve it
  • We collate the OEM manuals in our Team Project Hub
  • Do all the work to extract the manufacturers' schedules to a set of consistent accurate tasks 
  • these can be imported to any yacht management software.